Thank you, veterans, for your service.
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
Veterans Day
Attention high school students - Friday, Nov. 4 is the registration deadline for the Dec. 14 ACT test date. Register now to avoid late fees!
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
ACT test
PCSSD schools held grand re-openings on Tuesday to change the name of our school Media Centers to Library Learning Centers. Check out all the cool pictures of the new looks:
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
Participants in the Central Arkansas Water Power of Water Professional Development get great equipment and supplies to take back to schools. Great work, COLLEGE STATION ELEMENTARY!
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
Central Arkansas Water Power of Water
REMINDER: Week 10 high school football games will be played Thursday and Friday night this week. SYLVAN HILLS, MAUMELLE and ROBINSON will play on Thursday. MILLS will play on Friday.
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
November is Child Safety and Protection Month. Did you know more than 200,000 playground-related injuries happen each year in the US? Keep a close eye on children to ensure they are using equipment properly and it is age appropriate.
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
Playground safety
JOE T. ROBINSON HIGH SCHOOL'S Beta Club inducted 78 new members in grades 9 through 12. Beta Club are required to maintain a 3.0 GPA and earn at least 20 service hours during the school year.
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
RHS new Beta club members
Thank you to Scholastic Ambassador Mr. John Schu for stopping by Crystal Hill Elementary. He gave a great presentation that got the students excited to read and previewed some new books.
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
Mr. Schu at CHES
The SYLVAN HILLS MIDDLE AVID team had a blast preparing and working a haunted stage for the PBIS Fall Festival earlier this week.
over 5 years ago, Sylvan Hills Middle
SHMS - avid fall fest1
SHMS - avid fall fest2
SHMS - avid fall fest3
SHMS - avid fall fest4
Check out this amazing article from Arkansas Democrat Gazette previewing MAUMELLE HIGH SCHOOL's production of I Am Frankenstein: There are 2 shows: 10/31 and 11/1 at 7 p.m.
over 5 years ago, Maumelle High
ADG I am Frankenstein
REMINDER: Schools are closed Wednesday - Friday for teacher and leadership professional development. See you Monday, Nov. 4!
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
Broadway World Magazine and the Arkansas Democrat Gazette both previewed MAUMELLE HIGH SCHOOL's "I Am Frankenstein" production coming up on October 31. Check out the story on Broadway World here: The ADG article comes out on Oct. 31.
over 5 years ago, Maumelle High
BAKER ELEMENTARY held a pep rally to wrap up Red Ribbon Week. Check out the ROBINSON HIGH SCHOOL band helping out with Bronco PBIS Chant!
over 5 years ago, Baker Elementary
Baker Bronco PBIS Chant
PreK Teachers from across the district went to the Arkansas Early Childhood Association Conference last week. The learning never ends!
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
AECA conference 1
AECA conference 2
Don't forget that students get a little fall break NEXT week. Schools are closed Wednesday (Oct. 30) - Friday (Nov. 1) for districtwide professional development. You can find all district events on the website:
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
Art can be created from anything, including trash! Check out these recycled art pieces from students at LANDMARK ELEMENTARY. These are currently on display in the main lobby at Central Office.
over 5 years ago, Landmark Elementary
Landmark recycled art
We have a hero at CATO ELEMENTARY! 5th grade teacher, Wendy Sanabria, performed the heimlich on a student who was choking on a piece of granola during breakfast last week. We are so thankful that she took action and the student is safe!
over 5 years ago, Cato Elementary
Last week, 4th grade students from Clinton Elementary enjoyed a Live Ballet Arkansas performance of Sleepy Hollow and a picnic lunch at Burns park.
over 5 years ago, Clinton Elementary
Clinton at Ballet Arkansas
Clinton at Burns Park
Good morning - due to power outages in the area, Mills Middle School and Wilbur D. Mills University Studies High School will be closed today. This will be AMI Day #1 for students and staff.
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
This week is National School Bus Safety Week. The school bus ride is an extension of the school day and PCSSD schools is committed to providing a safe transportation experience for all students across the district.
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
School Bus Safety Week