PCSSD will host another "Building for the Future" community meeting for Sylvan Hills High School's band room project. This meeting will be held on Thursday, December 15 at 6 p.m. in the seminar room at SHHS. The community is invited to attend in this open discussion.
over 2 years ago, Sylvan Hills High
shhs community meeting
SYLVAN HILLS JUNIOR HIGH Update: Students and staff were allowed back in the building around 11am. However, due to the lingering gas smell, Sylvan Hills Junior High will dismiss at 11:30 am. Bus and car riders will be dismissed at 11:30. This will be an AMI day.
over 2 years ago, PCSSD
Sherwood Police Department has reported a possible gas leak at Sylvan Hills Junior High. The school has been evacuated. Sherwood Fire Department is on the scene to investigate the possible leak. Students and staff are safe and away from the premises. More details to come...
over 2 years ago, PCSSD
Today is Special Education Day. Today we celebrate our differences, our similarities, and everything that makes us all special and unique. https://www.pcssd.org/page/special-education-services #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 2 years ago, PCSSD
special education day
Today is World AIDS Day. This day is observed each year to remember those lost to AIDS-related illnesses and help end HIV. This year's theme is "Putting Ourselves to the Test: Achieving Equity to End HIV." #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 2 years ago, PCSSD
world aids day
November is National Homeless Youth Awareness Month. PCSSD abides by the McKinney Vento Act to ensure the educational rights and protections for all children and youth experiencing homelessness and in need of foster care. https://www.pcssd.org/page/mckinney-vento-act-homeless-foster-resources #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 2 years ago, PCSSD
national homeless youth awareness month
Today is Giving Tuesday - a day to promote generosity. GivingTuesday.org offers many options to give back today from donating money, helping a neighbor, volunteering, donating food, and many more. How are you giving today? #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 2 years ago, PCSSD
giving tuesday
It is Cyber Monday. What gifts are you looking for online today? #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 2 years ago, PCSSD
cyber monday
Today is Small Business Saturday! Shop small and shop local this holiday season! #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 2 years ago, PCSSD
small business saturday
It's Black Friday! Are you shopping for deals today? #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 2 years ago, PCSSD
black friday
Happy Thanksgiving from PCSSD to you and your family! #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 2 years ago, PCSSD
November is National American Indian Heritage Month when we celebrate the traditions, culture, and history of Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and more. #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 2 years ago, PCSSD
national american indian heritage month
Just a reminder: all schools are closed for fall break this week! District offices will be open Monday (Nov. 21) - Wednesday (Nov. 23) during regular business hours. All PCSSD offices will be closed on Thursday and Friday. Happy Fall Break! #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 2 years ago, PCSSD
fall break
The Arkansas Central Arkansas Library System is partnering with Arkansas PBS to sponsor a Mister Rogers' Neighborhood Sweater Drive. Community members are asked to donate new or gently worn sweaters and other cold weather clothing through Nov. 30. #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 2 years ago, PCSSD
pbs sweater drive
Today is National Adoption Day. At PCSSD we are thankful for the adoptive families in our district. Find out more information about becoming and adoptive or foster family: https://humanservices.arkansas.gov/divisions-shared-services/children-family-services/ #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 2 years ago, PCSSD
national adoption day
We've got some very exciting news to share! Sylvan Hills Junior High has been recognized be the Office for Education Policy at the U of A for High Overall Growth and High Math Growth in the state and the central Arkansas region. Sylvan Hills Junior High ranked 9th in Arkansas based on Overall ACT Aspire Growth and 1st in the same category for the Central Region. We also ranked 5th for math growth in Arkansas and 1st in the Central Region for math! Congratulations to our scholars and amazing teachers for their hard work! https://www.pcssd.org/article/914070
over 2 years ago, Sylvan Hills Junior High
best overall oep
best math oep
Today is Substitute Educator Day and PCSSD is so thankful for those who step in to substitute teach our students to ensure they are receiving an excellent education, even when the teacher can't be there. Thank you! #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 2 years ago, PCSSD
substitute educator day
Today is National Education Support Professionals Day. Thank you to our amazing front office staffs across PCSSD and their dedication to our schools and students. #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 2 years ago, PCSSD
national education support professionals day
This is National Young Readers Week and November is National Family Literacy Month. We are encouraging families to incorporate reading/writing into daily routines, introduce new vocabulary, and encourage storytelling and writing stories. #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 2 years ago, PCSSD
national young readers week
Our 22-23 Basketball Season is underway. You can find the schedule here: http://bit.ly/3X117RK
over 2 years ago, Michelle Camp
22-23 SHJH Basketball Schedule