Attention high school students - Friday, Nov. 4 is the registration deadline for the Dec. 14 ACT test date. Register now to avoid late fees! http://ow.ly/Dnjh50x54qG

PCSSD schools held grand re-openings on Tuesday to change the name of our school Media Centers to Library Learning Centers. Check out all the cool pictures of the new looks: http://ow.ly/jMbY50x3awq

November is Child Safety and Protection Month. Did you know more than 200,000 playground-related injuries happen each year in the US? Keep a close eye on children to ensure they are using equipment properly and it is age appropriate.

REMINDER: Schools are closed Wednesday - Friday for teacher and leadership professional development. See you Monday, Nov. 4!

Attendance Incentive
October 29th

9th Football v. Mills
Tuesday, October 29th @ 7PM

Don't forget that students get a little fall break NEXT week. Schools are closed Wednesday (Oct. 30) - Friday (Nov. 1) for districtwide professional development. You can find all district events on the website: https://www.pcssd.org/o/pcssd/events

This week is National School Bus Safety Week. The school bus ride is an extension of the school day and PCSSD schools is committed to providing a safe transportation experience for all students across the district.

**ATTENTION** Phones are down at several PCSSD schools and admin offices. Our IT department is working with Windstream to resolve the issue. You track the outage here: https://downdetector.com/status/windstream/map/

Every PCSSD staff member is encouraged to wear red on Tuesday, October 15 in honor of World Dyslexia Day.

It finally feels like fall! So let's celebrate with some football with our PCSSD high schools. Good luck to our student athletes tonight. #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence

October is National Bullying Prevention Month. The National Bullying Prevention Center provides a "Kids Against Bullying" pledge encouraging kids to speak up against bullying, support those being bullied & to be a friend when they see bullying. http://ow.ly/snaM50wEVmm

Choir concert scheduled for 10/7/ 2019 has been postponed until further notice.

The calendar can now be found in EVENTS. Important district-wide dates will be posted on the PCSSD website. School-specific dates will be posted on their respective school websites. You can view the "At-A-Glance" calendar here: https://5il.co/amrb