Students at Baker Elementary participated in the annual "Read for Record" with Jumpstart.THV11 anchor, Craig O'Neill read the book Evelyn Del Rey is Moving Away to the students virtually.
After reading the book, the students drew pictures for their best friends. This video is a compilation of all those drawings.
Jumpstart’s 15th annual Read for the Record is a high-visibility annual fall campaign engaging over 2 million participants who aim to:
Increase awareness about the critical importance and impact of early literacy
Make high-quality children’s books accessible for all children
Provide support for Jumpstart for Young Children’s work with early learners in underserved communities across the country
Sharing high-quality picture books with young children is at the core of Jumpstart’s mission. Each year, Jumpstart selects a campaign book that fosters language and social-emotional development, honors the diversity in our world, has a strong narrative, and appeals to young children. That book is read across the country and around the world by adults and young readers on Read for the Record day.